Saturday, January 28, 2006

Job Thoughts

From the January 23 post:

Visit abed's Xanga Site!
le sigh.
change is often exciting. too much excitement is no good for us guys. we go limp easy. =\ lol

but yeah... i'm taking my time joining folks on the whole adulthood thing. we were officially deemed adults a year or so ago. it's fucked up.

ima take it slow after i finally finish poly.. work part-time for a while......the most important thing i realize now... is to not be lazy. can't afford to be as lazy as i am now. step 1, DON'T BE LAZY. step 2, keep moving forward... and the doubts/fears/insecurities tend to minimize and shovel emselves away.
- Posted 1/24/2006 at 9:38 AM by abed©

Taken to heart, I'm taking a job working with softball on February 1st. I'll keep your keys in mind Abed. I won't be lazy.

I decided to take thepath of starting from the real bottom. Meaning, I took a $7.00 per hour job (may be more) at the bookstore. I start on Monday. Granted if you remember that minimum wage is $6.75, I'm pretty close to there. After ranting and raving on the phone Wednesday on how life is unfair and crap, I decided that may be this is my place right now, and if not, for life. Apparently, I am of blame.

According to all my friends and parents, working for Athletics, nor my job at Beach Channel were not real jobs. It obviously not the real world, and no matter what I did, it was too unspecified. Henceforth, I didn't deserve to even be looked at. I think it was the idea that companies didn't see me working that kind of workstudy job to further better myself in that field; I was unqualified.

Yesterday, my mom was home early and first thing saw me was in bed, online. So, she started by first wanting to use my laptop to check her e-mail at work, then brought up the whole debacle of my future (something my dad brought to her attention). I think my mom was trying to be apologetic to my plight; meanwhile, it did not really do any good. I was listening to the same old same old again. Apparently the conversation ended with me realizing that I'm doing this until I land something better. But nobody actually believed in what I thought was true of me, that the jobs I had for Athletics meant something. Or at least I made it out to mean something.

That's the end of that crap.

Recommended Flash To Watch:

Chickens Sweat Out Over Unknown Assailant

The Unknown Assailant

The Unknown Assailant is a Dog!?! Will the chickens meet a foul fowl? Only way to find out is watch the flash!
Flash presented on Newgrounds™.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

A Popularity Faux Paux

Everyone says that popularity never resolves all issues; matter in fact, popularity causes more stress in peoples lives between the ages of 5 and 22 more than anything else.  Popularity is not about who knows you, it is about who knows your name, your vogue, and your establishment in a society.  Considering HS, I had none.

Fall 2001, I went to Polytechnic University, and by Fall 2005, I had established a popularity.  Not well known, or snobbish or anything, but recognizable amongst peers.  People knew my name, they knew what I politically stand for and knew who I was.  I achieved popularity.

What makes 2006 different from 2001?  ...different from 1997?  ...different from 1995?

Popularity is in all cases destructive.  It's a method of upholding an image.  From 0-17, attempting to achieve this made me feel jealous of everyone else.  However; 18-21 makes me feel self-conscious of maintaining popularity to that it becomes destructive from what I was known from 0-17.  Eventually, I would never be the same person.

Popularity makes others attempt other absurdities: like closure.  I had a couple of those moments of closure, since HS; none the way I hoped it out to be.  Eventually, I come to learn very harshly that those who remember you remember who you stand for (and not vogue), who you care for (not who you know), and who is friend (not who is acquaintance).  Sadly, it cost me a few friendships, a couple of narcaissicstic confessions, and a lot of soul searching.

The worst and foremost; people remember your brother because of who he cared, what he stood for, and who was friend.  People only remember you as "his brother."  In my case, I'm "Tarik's brother."  Nobody knows if you are older or younger, if you are talented and skilled or a friend or a nerd.  Popularity was my killer.  At least now at 22, popularity is no more since politics rules our lives.

"Friends don't let friends be popular."

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Rights are Legislated

Well, all I'm saying is that you, yourself as an individual try to stand up for yourself on an issue that nobody agrees with you on. Try it. Watch people, walk away, pretend you don't exist and not give two shits for what you think. That's what government treats individual quarrels and complaints when whom also happen to be just a peon. Nobody gives a flying fuck, and may be I should agree with those who are the ones who (a) control my livelihood and (b) pay my check.

Sometimes there is only one job for that individual and may be that job is their career. If you are in a job that you want to work--because of love for it--you wil do anything to make your dream happen--even if you fail. For example, my high school gym teacher lived three hours away, back and forth, and he had to leave his family to work at my high school, coach soccer and track & field to a bunch of high school misfits, because he couldn't get a job on the island. He did that for 30+ years until he retired. Imagine seeing your sons may be twice a month (if lucky enough) just to satisfy a bunch of school kids whom later on would work mainly "civil servant" jobs and be called thugs (because I have the feeling Bloomberg would say nigger, but he's a public icon, they know better). There are many people who do this, just so their family can live a good life, go to a decent school, and may wind up at a "UNIVERSITY" and then learn occupational politics so that they can control others in the real world.

All, I'm saying is that, when we get our degrees, become executives at age 25, or run for public offices; to run in positions of power and positions to abuse power, or to become engineers being the influencers and bosses of some design project which can either kill millions or make billions, what is understood is that there is political freedom--and the result of it--affectual freedom. Whatever misinterpretation of our rights that is left (if the Bill of Rights is just a pile of bullshit meant to be smoked as a Cuban cigar) is what really means for us. Us people, whether you have it all, or hope to have a piece just to keep you living sanely for another week, or if you have nothing at all, the affectual freedom that allows people to do something, to voice a message, whether it's illegal or not, that people are free to do this with their own volition. Amendment 1 of the US Constitution allows this: except for when it endangers the lives of others. If this strike really endangered the lives of others, why weren't terror alerts didn't make the federal government kick into this situation, why did the politicians and executives of the MTA stoop to namecalling of TWU and MTA employees? Where is the professionality in that?

Personally, I didn't care, and honestly I gave a flying fuck if they went on strike or not. What I cared about is what actions that were happening and the results that came from it? Imagine if our President really gave no damn about the students of Polytechnic University. Honestly, nothing would really happen. But imagine if our President really gave no care about the administration, his e-board, and the rest of those that make Poly work at his level, will he have a job at Poly? No. It's all about politics.

Understand politics, and understand rights. May be we're no longer fighting for rights, but we sure as hell have to be a majority for them.

So understand: a voice + representation = you may be heard!