Thursday, March 15, 2012

Knickerbockering It Up

This is what I call a pregame, showtime and post analysis rant with background. Enjoy.

One of my best rants ever from the DukeofNBA Facebook page. I chalk this up to the one time that I was at a bar and tried to ask a woman out. I was underage, and had little knowledge of what I was doing. I basically was there because my friend was playing a gig at some SoHo bar, and I felt at the time this was pretty cool to do. The best thing that I could do at the time was probably make a fool of myself, as my "game" was laughable to say the least. She was smoking hot, and clearly other guys were trying to hit on her. I tried being cool enough, heck even being somewhat okay just being her friend. After finding out how much I should have ran the opposite way of knowing a bit about this girl; she was probably underage too although I didn't ask for her name and I failed to get a number...even a fake phone number. What was worse is that at the time I didn't have a cell phone, so my game would have been stifled if she called my house and my mom picked up. I thought it would be a total fail from there.

Either way, I talk about a hot mess, because this girl was a hot mess. She had some issues of where she was going, and although was able to muster some conversation, I think she was eyeing some guy who looked like he had drugs on him. And that would be too presumptuous of me, because the scene was all SoHo, and not all people in the punk/indie rock scene drug up. It was cool, because in the end, I got to understand that some of these girls I liked (and by then I had my first relationship) to sum up that women are freaking weird, and that may be I need to learn how to drink, and quote Dane, a floormate from the Poly dormitory, "You need to deepen your voice a bit, because you sound like a prepubescent Michael Jackson with a crackly voice." So I did. And it took me another 2 years to figure out that it can eventually work. So here's how I summed up the Knicks in this debacle.

The front office is terrible with "organization," and the fans are led blind. Not to sound like William and not to piss Thomas off, but this is a developing catastrophe, with the 5 guys that fit D'Antoni's system: Lin, Lee, Jeffries, Stoudamire, Fields who were miscasted and typecasted incorrectly. What really struck loudly was how Dolan said their meeting went and how Dolan believes this team can win. I think D'Antoni resigned because he was getting fired, and got talked into resigning.

**Disclaimer: If you resign from a job, you CANNOT get unemployment.**

I see Knicks fans blindly feel that Lin's the best thing since sliced bread and they're fed by the media and magazine's in Duane Reade's and Brookstone's on the shelf. I think Dolan wants for his team is media attention because that's what sold seats the last 10 years, and not realizing he cannot help orchestrate putting together a team, who they're going to get hit hard with the cap after this season because Amare is looking for his extention or a reworked contract. I think what Knicks feel is winning and what fans think is winning are two different things, and the fans don't realize it because we continue to talk about this maddening piece of crap all the time. The Knicks are the organization to talk about because on face value it looks good, the history is regal (even in spite of winning 2 championships approximately 40 years ago) and it's New York City. However, they got all the problems that I've listed. It's like the hot chick in the bar that looks great, but after knowing her she's a hot mess. The Knicks resemble a hot mess, and there's some sort of fervor with Knicks fans, and it's still remotely possible because they are not eliminated. May be this chick can get her life straight. May be after getting with a good fan like Will, the Knicks could stop going back to Thomas, because the action is good. The Knicks feel good with Thomas. The Knicks have to work hard to have Will. It's easy with Thomas and feels immediate gratitutde. It's hard with Will, but if for once, they can get their head out of their ass and realize that if the Knicks want to win a championship, they need to listen to Will and develop something. Put together a roster and align it with a coach. Get players who want and need to be here. Not some 12 year joke, since 1999 when Van Gundy had to hold on to Alonzo's leg. End of rant.

I mention about the history of the Knicks and fandom. I realized in the end, fandom is liking the girl, lusting over fishnet stockings, exposed bosom, curvy hair and thighs, and Irish pale skin and realizing that with everything external about this girl, like everything external about the Knicks lies a deeprooted, yet public image. I don't know if the Knicks are ready to win and be called a serious title contender, like how this girl whom I lusted and tried to know seemed more deeply interested in what gets her off. And may be I was just bitter because I could never be the person like what the Knicks organization wants out of there fans, someone who believes in the hype. When I get answers from this chick, she's got a lot going on in the way that I don't want it going on. So, I got bitter, knowing me probably self-abused myself in my own machination of what I thought I wanted, yet in the end, I realized that if I wanted to be a human being I needed to like, lust, and potentially do some despicable machinating which any emo-like late-teen person would do. I was bitter, but I was a fan seeking for something greater than just a mind sex. I wanted a relationship which later I would eventually get after realizing that I wanted what Will was seeking in being a Knicks fan and not Thomas was seeking.