Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Liars: The Whole Spiel

Ok, what the fuck is up with people being liars? AND even worse, "Why are people so offended, when you are called a liar?" The essential question is that we all are in some way going to hell, especially if we take religion to verbatum. C'mon, we all lie for various reasons: to protect us from being hurt, personal gain, keeping unnecessary truths away from others, personal gain...did I forget to mention personal gain! Anyhow, people who say and act all offended and out-of-sorts being liars, should consider this one thing: YOU ARE LYING.

In the Ten Commandments, Commandment 9: Thou shalt not bear false witness against my neighbor, sanctions against lying. Meanwhile, we all say things that are untruthful. Even stretching the truth by some fathom of the imagination, interprets a lie, thus constituting a violation against the "words of G-d." This may intail that if you don't directly understand the truth, you don't know the truth, and any conjecture against the "actual truth" is a lie. Albeit, I'm measuring against, Judiac rules and a measure to keep the holy words straight as a lie as possibly be, a lie is a lie.

So, today, after watching the guys basketball practice, I listen to a conversation that Chris and Josh was having, and Chris just says, your lying. Josh, goes...NOOOOOOOOO! I never lie!

(Bitch is lying out of his teeth.)

So, I say, "Josh, you are lying your ass off!"

And now the offense comes off.

After a couple of minutes of me just saying "Josh, you're lying your ass off!" He goes into a temper tantrum indicating that "I don't lie, I never lied. And I can't believe...blah blah blah." (Yeah, I stop listening.) At this point, I got the point. He was completely and utterly offended by my words. I'm not going to apologize, especially he knows that his omnipotence lol...j/k (me) is right. You are a liar, and we just proved it.

Anyhow, Josh's lying is small, and petty. He'll be fine.

Other liars; however, have proved to create disasterous results. Apparently, a couple of people from the baseball team that I went after to recruit (won't mention names here) tried to make themselves bigger than they truly are, with their over-inflated egos. And now, they won't be playing baseball for one reason or another. It's given the impression that the team is more in danger than what people have expected.

Thus lying is bad?

No. People try to make the truth in their own graven image. That's why they don't exclaim to lie; simply, they don't believe that they are. This may be delusional. And the treatment is to slowly learn harsh reality.

Anyhow...on other news:
  • I lended out my "The Rose That Grew From Concrete" to John. Apparently he's bored at work and needs things to do. Apparently, before last week, I had no clue that John had an affluence for "Hip-Hop" literature. Heck, I need to read more/buy more that I am not reading the same books, over and over for the five millionth time. He'll enjoy the poetic vibrations of Tupac Shakur.
  • I'm a perfectionist. Unfortunately.
  • I'm looking forward to baseball...sorta. The meeting with only 10 people showing up was very angrifying for me. Some excuses are valid, and others didn't make an effort to not show. But my bias is that I love baseball, so I guess my interpretation is swayed conservatively.
  • I need minions

    Please make sure you join through this link: AND if you want to join my guild, e-mail me @

That's it for now...Apparently, I'm not an angry black man. I just need some good, good lovin'.

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