Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Criticism: Words for Action

Life is about experiencing criticism.  Criticism may be in praise, encouragement, positive reinforcement, admonishment, rebuttal, and negative reinforcement.  Depending on the nature of the environment: whether it is a Facebook group, a post on Twitter, or going to the Media to voice an opinion, there is an underlying level of criticism involved, and in many cases consequences follow.  Unfortunately, in our society, when we think of criticism and consequence it means that you did something bad, and as a result of doing something bad, you get punished.

Listening to yesterday's Baseball Today Podcast they talk about Travis Snyder, Outfielder of the Pittsburgh Pirates.  It's consensus that Snyder is a 4th OF at peak, and may be at his potential, an "AAAA" player who will constantly ride the shuttle between the Major and Minors leagues.  The one thing in question was about his use of his talent.  Snyder has had difficulty handling criticism, especially when he was young and inexperienced, but also naive and stubborn.  The comparison, unfairly, they placed Snyder with Mike Trout; who may be young and inexperienced, but he's insightful and receptive.  The difficulty about this non-sequitor argument is that there are many players where manager would say they have the attributes of Mike Trout and cannot find the results Trout was able to do, or even doing 80% of his capability.  In addition, there is a history of luck involved with obtaining these results.

We could say the same thing about Guard TJ Lang from the Green Bay Packers, or even when a large group of people who think that Deron Williams is a far better PG than Russell Westbrook.

Unfortunately, people make their bed with the end results of these discussions.  It's never going to be just Okay when there are concrete fascinations about the side of the argument one takes.  You can add MVP and Rookie of the Year debates to this because who's better is not an objective task.  Would I say that the difference between Williams and Westbrook is close if both are doing what they supposed to do?  Absolutely.  But I am more critical on Williams because he has completely declined in the defensive aspect of his game, while Westbrook may have had less assists, but overall the things that he does is more valuable for an offense, such as executing the right play, has a dramatic effect on the opposing defender and using his ability to score on a team, who after Durant and Harden, nobody averages more than 9.1ppg.  Not to mention, last season was a great season in this sense; teams were unable to practice, therefore it was a lot of applying natural ability and feel toward the game, which Westbrook showed greatly.  But I digress.

The thing is when criticism is doled  there's a consequence to that criticism, it is important on how it is handled.  Constant criticism that the NFL is taking on with the replacement referee scandal has led to blown games with the New England Patriots and Green Bay Packers; regardless of validity.  The NFL is responding to that criticism by trying to reach a deal with the referee's and not have the consistent impasse's that are affecting each sides BATNAs.  Deron Williams, may be coming into camp in shape and work on his lateral movement, especially on the defensive end.  Travis Snyder, took the alternative by being the protagonist in an article that his coaches unfairly criticized him.  In each event, you can tell how the affected parties has responded to criticism and consequences.  One can hope it lead to the best of solutions, but that takes time to play out.

Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Crowmania Draft Feedback

Well, I had to really think about this draft, like most drafts that I participated this year because I simply did not prepare.  No mock drafts, barely listened to Fantasy Focus Football or even read the ESPN Magazine.  Simply, I would have angered TalentedMrRoto (twitter: @MatthewBerryTMR) and any other fantasy guru.  Either way, here's some analysis of my Crowmania Draft tonight, and thoughts of persperation and desperation.

Keepers: Hakeem Nicks and Darren McFadden (Run DMC).  I had to a choice of 4: Nicks, RunDMC, Jamaal Charles and Fred Jackson.  By Labor Day, I felt like crap.  I should have moved up in draft picks and really try to sell Charles and Jackson for either a better keeper or better a high draft slot on my 8th pick in the 3rd round.  I kept Nicks because the Giants got rid of Manningham.  I don't think whatever Victor Cruz does affects Nicks.  Eli's [Manning] going to throw the ball because I don't think Bradshaw can run 20 times per game, and their game management has gone similar to Green Bay and New England with a RB committee last year.  Nicks, if healthy for the year could go 1200 yds, 12-15 TDs.  I talked myself to that pick.

RunDMC over Jackson and Charles was difficult.  I honestly don't like any of these backs.  Jackson is on a better team, but CJ Spiller is lurking.  RunDMC gets injured and does not finish games.  Jamaal Charles is coming off of ACL surgery and as much as I don't like Peyton Hillis, Hillis I think can thrive and take away carries.  And oddly, I like Dexter McCluster.  It's why a couple of years ago I named my team the "Dexter McCluster***."  I finished 3-10-1 that year.   Either way, I chose RunDMC because if there's a guy who can be a top 3 RB is McFadden.  Taiwan Jones isn't going to take away carries, and the change to zone blocking isn't going to matter, despite numbers saying otherwise.  Either I run my way into the ground and finish last or attempt to win a playoff game and not be in the middle of the pack.

Before the draft, I debate with the owner of RASix about whether it's unfair to bad teams to snake draft, and  prove that I can do well, when my QBs in the last few years were David Garrard, Trent Edwards, Donovan McNabb.  I nearly started Tyler Palko last year.  I eventually wound up with Dalton and he's been my best QB, since I traded away Peyton Manning (oops).  Anyway, I always thought that this type of league needs more keepers, but for 15 picks, more than two picks owners would consider that a dynasty league and people will just cry, bitch, and moan.

First Pick: 3rd Round 8th Pick: Fred Jackson.  Both of my keepers were there.  Do I go with the Bills will be better and Jackson stays healthy or do I go with Charles, and deal with drafting Peyton Hillis because Charles TDs will be limited.  Easy choice, go Fred Jackson.  Picked.  Sigh of relieft.  I got 15 picks before I draft again.  Now if Charles, falls.  Victory.  Fail.  Fourth Round, Round 1: Jeff Rhoades picks Charles.

4th Round, 7th Pick: Steven Jackson.  Before this pick was interesting because I was debating myself, Gore, Jackson, or blow this whole thing up and draft Robert Griffin III, RGIII.  I couldn't decide and got Autopicked.  Steven Jackson was tops on my list, which I don't think Isaiah Pead is going to do anything.  Another league, Steven Jackson is on my team.  I feel safe about what he's going to give me.  Worth the pick.

So, I'm debating, do I try to blow things up by going RGIII in Round 5.  RGIII gets picked by Jeff Tripplete.    I guess he's blowing things up instead.

5th Round, 8th Pick: Brandon Lloyd.  Brandon Lloyd has been someone I targeted to draft, and got in my league.  I think he's going to be big.  Bold prediction: 1500 yds, 12 TDs.  I know I'm overzealously high, but I like the situation.  At the time, he's the best WR in my opinion on the board, who Demaryious Thomas, Desean Jackson, and Steve Johnson (which ESPN messed up because it's "Stevie") got picked ahead.  I'm thinking about winning this league for once.  Eyes wide open.

6th Round, 7th Pick: Willis McGahee.  I figured if I'm going to attempt to win this league, I need a safety net.  A big safety net.  Torrey Smith gets drafted at the end of Round 5, and I'm reeling a bit.  Maclin, Smith, Austin and Meachem gets drafted, but I don't like Austin and Meachem.  So, I'm second guessing myself for a minute.  I lost out on a good 3WR depth.  I could go Pierre Garcon, but I'd rather wait or flex him.  I go with McGahee because at some point Jackson and McFadden will let me down, and at least with McGahee,  he's going to bail out Manning for when they realize he cannot throw more than 20 yards and the Broncos have to ground and pound to be successful.  Calm.

Between picks, I look at the QB rankings.  The QBs are gone.  The best ones that are left are Flacco and Dalton, which I like in that order, as 1 and 1a.  I sort of prefer Flacco because of Baltimore having a better passing game, and the Bengals are coached by Marvin Lewis, who will essentially mess up some sort of sequence at least ten times a year.

7th Round, 8th Pick: Andy Dalton.  I laugh, but I got a QB in the 14 team league.  Unless Dalton goes insane, I don't think about keeping him.  He's a QB that I just going to have to deal with.  But he's the best QB I had drafted.  Ever.  And I realized that, and I feel pathetic.

8th through 10 Rounds: Nate Washington, Beanie Wells, Eagles-DEF.  I get my 3rd WR in Washington.  He's not going to be good or sexy in this spot, but I can play him some weeks.  I danced with Nate a couple of times before, and got burned in the past, but I get points per reception as well.  As bad I think Tennessee is with their QB with Locker, they need to throw the ball to get the pressure of Chris Johnson and the run game.  I'll worry about WRs a bit later.  So, I go Wells and Eagles DEF.  I got 5 RBs in the first nine rounds because, I am going to safeguard myself from failure at this spot.  I'll laugh, and it could happen, when my only healthy RB is Steven Jackson.  I think the Eagles DEF will score more, and because I feel confident, I'm drafting them now, because I simply just passing on Greg Little and Davone Bess who go the next two picks.

11th through 14th Rounds: Mike Williams (Bucs), Santana Moss, Dustin Keller, Jacquizz Rogers.  Williams and Rogers are depth picks.  I think that Freeman can do better than what he did last year, and when Williams had a competent sidekick, Tampa was successful (remember Kellen Winslows good year).  Santana Moss I think can do well in PPR as he'll be in the slot.  The next two picks I'm debating, do I get another WR, or do I attack depth.  I look at the Insider Ranks and thought about Martellius Bennett.  What is wrong with me?  He's not draftable in the league.  I'm debating between Dallas Clark and Dustin Keller.  The Jets needed to score something.  I think he may be the best receiving option, if he can stay healthy.  I choose Keller.  Rogers is interesting.  I choose Jacquizz because he could give me the Dexter McCluster season that I'm hoping for (which Jamaal Charles had done).  Plus, it's PPR and Rogers could get involved.  I'm taking the chance.

Last round.  I take a kicker.  Because I have to.  I guess I should just take the kicker who can either kick a lot of 40 yarders or can kick 50 yard field goals.  Janikowski got picked up.  I'm going with Shayne Graham for the Texans.  As long as he can put the ball through the upright, I'll take my 7-10 points per week, and run with it.

8Darren McFadden, Oak RB  K  
22Hakeem Nicks, NYG WR  K  
36Fred Jackson, Buf RB  
49Steven Jackson, StL RB  
64Brandon Lloyd, NE WR  
77Willis McGahee, Den RB  
92Andy Dalton, Cin QB  
105Nate Washington, Ten WR  
120Beanie Wells, Ari RB  
133Eagles D/ST D/ST  
148Mike Williams, TB WR  
161Santana Moss, Wsh WR  
176Dustin Keller, NYJ TE  
189Jacquizz Rodgers, Atl RB  
204Shayne Graham, Hou K  
Draft Analysis.  I stacked up on RBs because if I have a shot of getting to the playoffs and winning a game, I will need them to be successful.  I feel OK with Dalton as my QB, but feeling OK in a 14 team league with a QB and an Offensive Player flex position, isn't good.  I got two good WRs, and I'm hoping between Washington, Moss, Williams they can fill in that 3rd spot.  I got a ton of RBs which gives me options for the Offensive Player spot.  As long as the Eagles can be decent and Keller stays healthy, there's some late value, which I can get some points during some good matchup weeks.  Usually, I find a Kicker at some point.  I don't really like Shayne Graham, but Houston will give him opportunities.  He can be stable, but Graham needs to put the ball through the uprights, which he has had problems in the past.  Overall successful, but we'll see how this will turn out.