Saturday, April 19, 2008

Living to Cope

I am trying to stick to my guns and make a post once in a while. Even if I am waxing poetic, it's necessary. The mind needs time to reflect, even in this fast paced world where we have to be everywhere and when time spent has to be efficient. Usually for most people, the mind is strong and the body is weak; lately, I feel I am just flat out weak.

I made it a point not talking for a bit. Trying to take care of certain things and clearing my head from certain people who get to me. May be avoidance with certain issues is good, and I'm starting to realize that. A lot of friends, family, and people I work with are greedy, self-centered, selfish, and ignorant. Whether or not it means that people do care about you, is one thing, but when people know that you're not on your game they take advantage of you; sometimes it is of best interest to remove yourself from that agita.

Some days I just don't get it. One day this week, I understood what I was doing on the wire, the next day, I'm just near helpless. The easy part is entering the orders, but being a psychology major, I should have the inside track of handling peoples personalities. I don't. Between brokers pestering me, pissed off individuals at different desks, and stubborn bodies that muddle the way from getting things done correctly, I feel like I am just running around in circles.

After work today, I walked past Sam in the lounge (he was waiting for his wife), and we talked for a bit. He noticed I was beat tired. This week working, going to school, studying every night, and the most time of sleep I had was five hours, the weekend clearly was a welcomed break. Talking to Sam was a calming influence. His demeanor is always fair, stern, and gives great advice, because he's always patient and is so knowledgeable. Sam's the older brother; to consider with life experience that I did not expect. He's been positive towards me.

May be I'll always be a sparkplug, but I need to keep an even keel and treat everything the same so that may be the days and nights won't wear on me so much. I have to live with for a long time of not getting any good sleep, being harassed and dealing with crap, but I need to find some ways to cope with that stress.

Sam said, "The hardest part of working on the wire is not entering the orders, or knowing where to bust a trade, but dealing with people. Once you can deal with people, you know this job will be easy."

Simply what I need is better knowledge, people skills, and efficiency.

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