Friday, March 18, 2005


--name: Akil Omari Chin El
--nicknames: Ace, Boy Blue, ...
--current Location: Far Rockaway, NY
-- eye color: some shade of brown
-- hair color: black
-- height: 5'7"
-- righty or lefty: righty...i lost my ambidextrousness :-(
--zodiac sign: CANCER
--chinese year: boar
-- your heritage: last time i checked i had jamaican, chinese, brit.
-- the shoes worn today: probably Mizuno or Converse
-- your weakness: my munchkin :-D, Skittles and Sports
-- your fears: large bugs, spiders (not arachnaphobic), disheartenment
-- your perfect pizza: simple and exotic: extra cheese, pineapple and mushroom
-- goal you'd like to achieve: graduating sumday
-- your most overused phrase on AIM: "...iite" AND "iite"
-- your thoughts first waking up: "awww crap...5 more minutes mom! 5 more minutes!"
-- your bedtime: it floats more than characters from DragonBall-Z
--Chips Ahoy or Oreos: draw
-- Pepsi or coke: Rootbeer!
-- mcdonald's or burger king: sandwiches BK, everything else Mickey D's.
-- single or group dates: i suck at group've only been on one.
-- addidas or nike: addidas or mizuno
-- lipton ice tea or nestea: i'm still adding more sugar :-P
-- chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
-- cappuccino or coffee: coffee (with mad sugar!)

-- smoke: hellz no!!!
-- sing: **I PLEAD THE 5th**
-- shower everyday: yep yep
-- like(d) high school: yeah, HS was cool
-- want to get married: sumday...sooner or later? who knows.
-- believe in yourself: eventually
-- get motion sickness: once in a while, and it's like random.
-- think you're attractive: No, but I try. :-)
-- think you're a health freak: more than most people
-- get along with your parent(s): sometimes
-- like thunderstorms: only the light shows.
-- play an instrument: not really
in the past month...
-- drank alcohol: nah...i'm sober
-- smoked: HELLZ NO!
-- done a drug: see above!
-- had sex: nope
-- made out: giggidy giggidy giggidy...alright :-D
-- gone on a date: yep!!!
-- gone to the mall?: nah
-- eaten an entire box of oreos: naa, haven't been OD'ing yet
-- been on stage: no
--been dumped: naa...
-- gone skating: naa....
-- made homemade cookies: i'm online more than i'm home
-- gone skinnydipping: No
-- dyed your hair: naa
-- stolen anything: fo sho! u stole my heart :-* i have urz ;-)
Have you ever...
-- played a game that required removal of clothing: yeah, but i won.
-- if so, was it mixed company: yup yup
-- been trashed or extremely intoxicated: quite a couple of times
-- been caught "fooling around": oh yeah
-- been called a tease: nah...i get teased...and i like i like :-)
-- age you hope to be married: ???no clue???
-- numbers and names of children: number:???would like to have boys and girls???names: :draws a huge blank:
-- describe your dream wedding: i ask for one thing warm, non-precipatory weather
-- how do you want to die: just not in flames, i can only assume that hurts. **reminds me of the lecture our psych professor was trying to tell us painful and painless ways to die**
-- what do you want to be when you grow up: some sort of researcher
-- what country would you most like to visit: a lot of places.
in a guy/girl
-- best eye color? brown
-- best hair color? ????
--short or long hair? long hair
--height: not like gigantic tall or minature short
--best weight: not a stick and not a blimp
-- best articles of clothing: oh yeah, they have to wear clothing...j/k...something that fits the form of the body
-- best first date location: I'm not giving away that secret. I know the spot and only one other person knows.
-- # of drugs taken illegally: alcohol (underage :-P)
-- # of people i could trust with my life: parents of course
--# of CDs that i own: a couple
--# of piercings: nada
-- # of tattoos: None...yet.
-- # of scars on my body: lost count
--# of things in my past that i regret: a lot of regrets, but i won't hate on them.
Last Person Who...
-- Slept in your bed? only me
--Last person who saw you cry: gosh...i really don't know
--Made you cry: too long ago
-- Spent the night at your house? nobody
-- You shared a drink with? Betty, Anne, Andrew (JudoDrew), John (JudoJohn)
-- You went to the movies with? my munchkin (was so nice...i went with her twice ;-))
-- You went to the mall with? me myself and i
-- Yelled at you? at me...meee! Who can yell at me!
-- Sent you an email? Professor Jim and Jashira (two separate e-mails)
Have Your Ever...
-- Said "I love you?" Yea
-- Been to New York? Me Live here
-- Been to Georgia? naa
-- California?Naa
-- Hawaii? Naa
-- Mexico? Naa
-- China? Naa
-- Canada? naa
-- Danced naked? in the shower/my bedroom.....
-- Dreamed something really crazy and then happened the next day? not really...that would be too weird.
The Last Few Questions...
-- Last time you went out of the state? in October to Pennslyvania
-- Lucky number? 99 (cues the theme music to "Wild Thing!")
-- Things you like in a guy/girl? u know the usual like, of course, there's a lot of other things too. too lazy to write ::sigh::
-- Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? yup yup
--What do you think of ouija board? indifferent
-- What book are you reading now? Blackholes, Wormholes and Time Machines
-- What's on your mouse pad? i lack thereof of one
-- Favorite board game? Monopoly
-- Favorite magazines? gosh, i haven't read magazines lately
-- Favorite sound? my munchkin ^_^
-- Worst feeling in the world? loneliness
-- Do you like scary or exciting roller coasters? they kool...but i'm always freakin' out over them (not really a good gag reflex afterwards)

-- How many rings before you answer? depends
-- Do you sleep with a stuffed animal(s)?'s just me and my laptop
-- What are you going to do after you finish this survey? get so fresh and so clean clean clean then see my boo
-- What was the last food you ate? grilled cheese and pineapple slices

1 comment:

Munchkin said...

i just decided to come here...yep, the comment is gonna get long...

"-- lipton ice tea or nestea: i'm still adding more sugar :-P"

not letting me live that down huh? lol
*continues thru survey/answers*

yes ur attractive...very!!!!!!!

*continues* awww u definitely have my heart :-)

"-- best first date location: I'm not giving away that secret. I know the spot and only one other person knows."

got that rite ;-)