Sunday, March 27, 2005

Applies to Me

Bold the things that apply to you

01. I love being random.
02. I'm obsessed with making sure my shoes match my clothes.
03. I'm the youngest child.
04. I am a boy.
05. I love wearing dangly earrings.
06. I am a gemini.
07. I love someone more than they'll ever know.
08. I'm obsessed with dogs.
09. I can't live without lipgloss.
10. I can't live without music.
11. I lived in a different state in the U.S. before.
12. I get an allowance.
13. I want to be in high school forever.
14. I've seen Jason Mraz in person.
15. I get annoyed easily.
16. I eventually want kids.
17. I love to read.
18. I have more than a couple horrible memories.
19. I am addicted to the Disney Channel.
20. I am a girl.
21. I've been out of the country more than 3 times.
22. I'm in high school.
23. I love taking pictures.
24. I hate girls who are fake.
25. I like to swim.
26. My dreams are sometimes weird.
27. One of my best friends is gay.
28. I have way too many purses.
29. I've seen Fight Club at least 45 times.
30. I dress according to how I feel that day.
31. I've never fallen asleep during school.
32. Sometimes I cry for almost no reason.
33. It bugs me sometimes when people are really late.
34. I procrastinate...sometimes.

35. I love autumn.
36. I have too many clothes..
37. I like to sleep.
38. I've never failed a class in high school.
39. I'm afraid of spiders.

40. I have nail polish on my fingernails or toe nails right now.
41. I've watched the O.C.
42. I love my hair.
43. I never fight with my parents.
44. I like the beach.
45. I have never had the chicken pox.
46. I'm excited for the future.
47. I have family out of state.
48. I can't wait till my birthday.
49. I love the show Wild Boyz.
50. I love my friends.
51. Christmas is my favorite holiday.
52. I can be very insecure sometimes.
53. I have never broken a bone.
54. I'm taking German class
55. I have a laptop.
56. I love guys that love music.
57. I state the obvious sometimes.
59. I dance randomly sometimes.
60. I'm a good singer (as long as no one else can hear me).
61. I sometimes like cleaning my room.
62. I never get jealous.
63. I love cute underwear.
64. I love doing math.
65. I cry when I see homeless people.
66. I like hugs.
67. I don't like to study for tests. (but then, I don't really have to)
68. Right now, school is more important than anything else. (Well, TAMS sure is)
69. I am too forgiving sometimes.
70. I have my own vehicle (that I can't legally drive, and that dosen't quite run)
71. I love high school
72. I have a lot of under garments.
73. I'm a daddy's girl.
74. I love kisses on the cheek.
75. I love the color pink more than the rest.
76. I love to sew.
77. I have blue eyes.
78. I like being a passenger in vehicles at nighttime.
79. I play soccer on a team.
80. I become stressed easily.
81. I've never lied.
82. I like comfy sweatpants.
83. Jake Gyllenhaal is cute. (only as Donnie Darko of course)
84. I love the smell of the rain.
85. I am right handed.
86. I hate getting shots.
87. I'm a perfectionist.
88. I've gone mooning.
89. I hate the feeling of failure.
90. I enjoy going to high school football games.

91. I like going on rides.
92. I can be quite shy.
93. I still act like a little kid sometimes.
94. There's something I will never forget, either because I can't or because I just don't want to.
95. I love looking at pictures.

96. I love music.
97. I do well in school.
98. I get a lot of mail.
99. I like hot tubs.
100. I like to be alone sometimes.

Friday, March 18, 2005


--name: Akil Omari Chin El
--nicknames: Ace, Boy Blue, ...
--current Location: Far Rockaway, NY
-- eye color: some shade of brown
-- hair color: black
-- height: 5'7"
-- righty or lefty: righty...i lost my ambidextrousness :-(
--zodiac sign: CANCER
--chinese year: boar
-- your heritage: last time i checked i had jamaican, chinese, brit.
-- the shoes worn today: probably Mizuno or Converse
-- your weakness: my munchkin :-D, Skittles and Sports
-- your fears: large bugs, spiders (not arachnaphobic), disheartenment
-- your perfect pizza: simple and exotic: extra cheese, pineapple and mushroom
-- goal you'd like to achieve: graduating sumday
-- your most overused phrase on AIM: "...iite" AND "iite"
-- your thoughts first waking up: "awww crap...5 more minutes mom! 5 more minutes!"
-- your bedtime: it floats more than characters from DragonBall-Z
--Chips Ahoy or Oreos: draw
-- Pepsi or coke: Rootbeer!
-- mcdonald's or burger king: sandwiches BK, everything else Mickey D's.
-- single or group dates: i suck at group've only been on one.
-- addidas or nike: addidas or mizuno
-- lipton ice tea or nestea: i'm still adding more sugar :-P
-- chocolate or vanilla: Vanilla
-- cappuccino or coffee: coffee (with mad sugar!)

-- smoke: hellz no!!!
-- sing: **I PLEAD THE 5th**
-- shower everyday: yep yep
-- like(d) high school: yeah, HS was cool
-- want to get married: sumday...sooner or later? who knows.
-- believe in yourself: eventually
-- get motion sickness: once in a while, and it's like random.
-- think you're attractive: No, but I try. :-)
-- think you're a health freak: more than most people
-- get along with your parent(s): sometimes
-- like thunderstorms: only the light shows.
-- play an instrument: not really
in the past month...
-- drank alcohol: nah...i'm sober
-- smoked: HELLZ NO!
-- done a drug: see above!
-- had sex: nope
-- made out: giggidy giggidy giggidy...alright :-D
-- gone on a date: yep!!!
-- gone to the mall?: nah
-- eaten an entire box of oreos: naa, haven't been OD'ing yet
-- been on stage: no
--been dumped: naa...
-- gone skating: naa....
-- made homemade cookies: i'm online more than i'm home
-- gone skinnydipping: No
-- dyed your hair: naa
-- stolen anything: fo sho! u stole my heart :-* i have urz ;-)
Have you ever...
-- played a game that required removal of clothing: yeah, but i won.
-- if so, was it mixed company: yup yup
-- been trashed or extremely intoxicated: quite a couple of times
-- been caught "fooling around": oh yeah
-- been called a tease: nah...i get teased...and i like i like :-)
-- age you hope to be married: ???no clue???
-- numbers and names of children: number:???would like to have boys and girls???names: :draws a huge blank:
-- describe your dream wedding: i ask for one thing warm, non-precipatory weather
-- how do you want to die: just not in flames, i can only assume that hurts. **reminds me of the lecture our psych professor was trying to tell us painful and painless ways to die**
-- what do you want to be when you grow up: some sort of researcher
-- what country would you most like to visit: a lot of places.
in a guy/girl
-- best eye color? brown
-- best hair color? ????
--short or long hair? long hair
--height: not like gigantic tall or minature short
--best weight: not a stick and not a blimp
-- best articles of clothing: oh yeah, they have to wear clothing...j/k...something that fits the form of the body
-- best first date location: I'm not giving away that secret. I know the spot and only one other person knows.
-- # of drugs taken illegally: alcohol (underage :-P)
-- # of people i could trust with my life: parents of course
--# of CDs that i own: a couple
--# of piercings: nada
-- # of tattoos: None...yet.
-- # of scars on my body: lost count
--# of things in my past that i regret: a lot of regrets, but i won't hate on them.
Last Person Who...
-- Slept in your bed? only me
--Last person who saw you cry: gosh...i really don't know
--Made you cry: too long ago
-- Spent the night at your house? nobody
-- You shared a drink with? Betty, Anne, Andrew (JudoDrew), John (JudoJohn)
-- You went to the movies with? my munchkin (was so nice...i went with her twice ;-))
-- You went to the mall with? me myself and i
-- Yelled at you? at me...meee! Who can yell at me!
-- Sent you an email? Professor Jim and Jashira (two separate e-mails)
Have Your Ever...
-- Said "I love you?" Yea
-- Been to New York? Me Live here
-- Been to Georgia? naa
-- California?Naa
-- Hawaii? Naa
-- Mexico? Naa
-- China? Naa
-- Canada? naa
-- Danced naked? in the shower/my bedroom.....
-- Dreamed something really crazy and then happened the next day? not really...that would be too weird.
The Last Few Questions...
-- Last time you went out of the state? in October to Pennslyvania
-- Lucky number? 99 (cues the theme music to "Wild Thing!")
-- Things you like in a guy/girl? u know the usual like, of course, there's a lot of other things too. too lazy to write ::sigh::
-- Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? yup yup
--What do you think of ouija board? indifferent
-- What book are you reading now? Blackholes, Wormholes and Time Machines
-- What's on your mouse pad? i lack thereof of one
-- Favorite board game? Monopoly
-- Favorite magazines? gosh, i haven't read magazines lately
-- Favorite sound? my munchkin ^_^
-- Worst feeling in the world? loneliness
-- Do you like scary or exciting roller coasters? they kool...but i'm always freakin' out over them (not really a good gag reflex afterwards)

-- How many rings before you answer? depends
-- Do you sleep with a stuffed animal(s)?'s just me and my laptop
-- What are you going to do after you finish this survey? get so fresh and so clean clean clean then see my boo
-- What was the last food you ate? grilled cheese and pineapple slices

Thursday, March 03, 2005


My happiness has been blinding what is true...things haven't changed. I'm still the same. Things are still the same. 3x 4 Seasons of Loneliness, except for me having a thing for my ex. The feelings between her and I is just friendship and I'm content there.

I caught myself lately staring out at windows, blindly staring ignoring the visual senses of my environment. I'm no longer hung up on someone, but more or less hung up on my feelings. My happiness is blinding from what's true, my anger a channeled rage that is more equipped with structure than just random self-craziness. My sadness, only evident in my eyes and my heart. Nobody is able to see it, because it appears that even to the psychologists, that it's blind to them.

It appears that I'm very good at hiding my feelings.